Mission-Drivers are relentless and inspirational change-agents. Read six game-changing tips.
1-Be the mission. Champion your organization’s mission in every meeting, conversation, and decision.
2-Hold the big picture and stay detail-oriented. A Mission-Driver’s ability to bring about big change lies in their willingness to live in the details.
3-Worship your to-do list. Every hour of every day is about advancing the mission, one way or another.
4-Realize that strategic thinking is a way of life. Mission-Drivers constantly assess where they are, where they’re going, and how to get there.
5-Get used to change. Mission-Drivers are not afraid to mix things up. They see potential, not peril.
6-Be constructively dissatisfied. Mission-Drivers don’t settle for good enough. They’re always seeking a better way.
Mission-Drivers know they don’t get there alone. Davidoff’s Mission-Driver Institute offers a three-month program to take your organization to the next level of mission integration, and to impact your leadership as a Mission-Driver.