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They were stuck. Some time ago, the Chicago chapter of an international membership organization approached us for help. The organization had a strong reputation in its sector, but things had been slipping: attendance at monthly programs was down, as was...
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Learn to identify and diminish destructive drama patterns that derail mission. Read More...
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Starting your strategic plan on the back of a napkin. One day, 14 years ago, in a cafe in New York City, John Davidoff sat across from a corporate executive. John listened to the problems his client was having at...
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Is fear standing in the way of your mission? Fear is a powerful emotion. It’s human nature to stay in your comfort zone, avoiding risk and hesitating to trying new things. Biologically, fear produces a sense of anticipation that something bad...
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Most human interactions have some element of drama. You are likely in some degree of drama right now! Given their high-stakes environments, organizations are especially prone to drama. But there’s drama and then there’s drama. In our experience as Mission-Drivers,...
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The organization was at a loss. For over a century the Chicago-area non-profit had worked to combat racism and poverty, using a platform of publishing and community organizing. But like leaders of so many organizations, the non-profit’s executives felt they...
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When Paul Hamann was appointed president of the Night Ministry back in July 2007, he didn’t realize how much of a challenge he’d face in the new role. Hamann had already been a leader in the organization, a Chicago-based nonprofit...
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A mission-driven nonprofit takes a proactive stance with its cause and with all its stakeholders, including board, staff, funders, community leaders, other nonprofits. It is engaged in its mission and energetic about carrying it out. Symptoms of a mission-challenged nonprofit...
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Mission-Drivers are relentless and inspirational change-agents. Read six game-changing tips. 1-Be the mission. Champion your organization’s mission in every meeting, conversation, and decision. 2-Hold the big picture and stay detail-oriented. A Mission-Driver’s ability to bring about big change lies in...
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Energy and public utility companies do not tend to be marketing-driven organizations. Often, they are operating in situations in which, whether by virtue of municipal contracts or regulations, competition is limited. Without the need to distinguish themselves from the competition...
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